Thursday, July 10, 2008

grow old with me.

“o, my Lord, i am not eloquent” exodus 4

i just read acts 2 and it has the award for consistency in its goosebump giving abilities. currenently its my favorite passage. along with everything to do with moses.
i realize again how i am unworthy to be loved. it is a miracle that i have friends. really. loving god really only requires clarity. he’s so worthy. loving each other is miraculous. friendship really is a miracle.
everything in creation is interconnected. its not incidental. this whole world was built for that intertwining; god cant even express his self in one being. and the way we relate to each other and are intertwined in each others' lives is all his doing. ugh. i can't wrap my mind around it, but am left only to worship a god that is capable of such a feat.
the exodus verse speaks to me two fold. for obvious reasons, but also because god knew this about moses and it was ok. perfection is never asked of us. shortcomings are built into the design. he heard moses' cry and he intertwined his life with aaron, so that aaron could speak on behalf of moses.
he is so worthy.
everything boils down to these relationships we have in our lives. with all different types of people. people that matter so much to him, people that he spent time kitting together. and then knit into other people's story. after all was said and done, god took the time to evaluate what he made, and we are very good. i’m so unworthy to have that approval. but like backup vocalists in a rap song, words can’t quite capture it. ugh.

my heart beats so fast for community. i can’t talk and hear enough about it.

i step back and evaluate. life is good.
i feel you moses, but i try anyway.

1 comment:

Alfred said...

word. I like how you contrasted loving God to be sooo easy once u know Him...and how it would seem impossible to love humans, like we're so effed up. Just think hard its for an imperfect being to love another imperfect being, God being PERFECT still loves us losers! thats so ridiculous!

But good post, one of my favs so far