Saturday, June 20, 2009


moving to a new place. i’ve asked for it basically since i found out that part of growing up was moving out of your parent’s house. i used to make plans to grow up and move to california. never of course thinking of what i would do there to provide for myself, that was never apart my childhood dreams. passion for a beautiful place and new experience was enough for me to pick up and move everything. i can mark periods of my life by where i wanted to move. california, any of the ‘southern’ states, africa, boston for a while, seatlle for a brief period, portland for slightly longer. now that i’ve finally moved out of a twenty mile radius, i’ve realized that i’ve idealized moving to a new place. duh. i naturally try to stay within the confines of a child’s mind. worries get in the way of action.

i went to a ‘faith & art symposium’ tonight, the guy said at one point that artists have chosen to harness the creativity and imagination that children innately have. when left in a room, children will sing a song, draw, create, imagine and that we as artists tap into that. i really liked tonight. i liked being encouraged by people to create. i liked to see what people were creating and to hear what they had to say about it. my mind starts racing and my heart beats faster at the thought of this night becoming my lifestyle. i feel like i waste a gift, given to me from god, to create. i think i have a lot to learn, and i’m not trying to be pompous when i say any of this. i don’t know how to visually convey the ideas in my head. but i need to allow myself to be left in a room and let my mind wonder. ok, this isn’t the point, the point is that not only do i need to create for that is how god wired me, but that i want to encourage others, i want to create a place for that creatively to naturally flow and it can be harnessed and expressed.

i was reading exodus and the story of bezelal and the building of the tabernacle is what originally sparked this flame within me. gosh its beautiful. but i didn’t intend for this post to be about that… focus. i just got this vision of having a place, a warehouse type thing i imagined, with different areas to inspire and to create. coffee is the starting point for all great work right? so to create a space to initiate ideas and to talk and inspire and bounce off ideas, colaborate.. couches, tables, desks to facilitate that. large tables to spread out in. an area to research, books, history books, poetry, music, art books, art hanging. and then i wanted an artists’ space for actual creation. blocked out spaces for artists to rent maybe, whatever the case, i would love to provide a space to give people the opportunity to start. to finish. to get past whatever cop out, excuse, or stumbling block that disallows them to use a gift, to tell a story, to illustrate their human experience.

anyway, moving is tough and i miss my friends. i value the community that i had there and the support provided. the growth they spurred, lessons learned. my family, i love them. i’ve never realized how much until i’ve moved away.

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