Tuesday, June 24, 2008

what up gangster.

my mind can't stay on one thought for too long, so it tends to operate in lists.

wisdom i have to bestow upon you tonight:
1. i learned today that you shouldn't name something that could potentially be permanent after something evanescent.
i am a girl of fleeting phases. i get really excited about something now and again and after interest wanes, time is squandered, people are irked by my incessant behavior and i've spent significant amount of money on 'necessary' materials, the phase goes into remission and i move on to something else. could last a day. a week. at most, a couple months. i had a new one debut today. french music. because of this, i ran the idea by a friend to entitle my blog 'i love french music.' the impulsiveness of which i live by told me this sounded like a really great idea. honestly, this phase will probably last a week, and then i would be stuck with a blog that put my integrity in jeopardy. i would be lying to the world about the current state of my french music affections. so don't do it. (i realize there are multiple reasons for not naming a blog 'i love french music.' please don't judge me and my banal uncreativeness.)

2. i also feel i know that white people shouldn't say gangsta. its gangster. cause we're wannabes. its an important seed of truth that i invite you into.

first post. check.

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